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Article Index


The 153 Fishes

For centuries people have wondered why the Bible records the 153 fish caught by the disciples when Jesus told them to throw their nets on the opposite side of the boat in John 21:4-12. There are so many views, ideas and theories on why it was 153, but we will discuss a view which is impossible to prove wrong and outright confirms that the Holy Spirit inspired the men who wrote the Bible that we have today known as the Authorized King James 1611 Version.  

The Days of Noah 

What was it like in Noah's time? Jesus said the end would be like the days of Noah, and that men's hearts should fail them for what they see. Did giants really exist in those days? We answer all these questions and more, with absolute clarity of the Bible's truth and perfection along with many examples in the world today.  

 The Golden Sequence 

In the Bible are the most incredible numeric patterns and The Golden Sequence researched by Brandon Peterson from Truth Is Christ, is one of many the prove the authenticity pureness of the KJV 1611 Bible. God signed his book with his name in a way that only God could. 

Satan was marked with 666 by Jesus

This one is an absolute knockout as an example of Bible numerology, and how Jesus marked Satan in the famous battle between them, when Satan took him up to be tempted. Jesus used verses from Deuteronomy which also has a prophecy combined with it. This truly is an incredible mind blowing read that will open your eyes to just how perfect and pure the Word Of God is. 


Christ's Church

Your body the Temple 

Goes into detail what this means in Scripture, and also explains many of the untaught BIble Scriptures.

Battle for the Bible 

 About the KJV Bible and how other corrupted Not-Bibles destroy the Word and even deny the deity of Jesus Christ (God in the flesh)

Hall of Fame

A growing list of those who have greatly contributed in the Christian church. Bible Historians and Researchers.   

Unclean Spirits: The Devil in you

If you say you have not sinned, you deceive yourself, and the truth is not in you (1 John 1:8). And if you say I'm born again and can't get unclean spirits you are compromised and unaware. This article explains why.

How to get Saved

Come to Jesus Christ and receive the gift of salvation and eternal life.



 Resources for truth in health

A collection of sites containing the truth about our health and how to maintain it. Uncovering lies and deceptions
that keep you sick.

Dr Sam Bailey

is a medical author & health educator. After qualifying as a Medical Doctor and practicing within the medical system she commenced a new phase of understanding of health as detailed in her book; "Terrain Therapy" which she credits to the wisdom of Ulrich Williams. Sam and her husband Mark are based in New Zealand and have three children together. They also share a Christian faith and strong passion to reveal the truth in the midst of great deception and medical misinformation. 


 Dr Mark Bailey

Dr Mark Bailey, a qualified Medical Doctor began working with Sam since they met in 2007. Since early 2020 Mark has been the duo’s chief researcher with a focus on microbiology, the existence of viruses, and the historical and epistemological issues within medical science. Mark and Sam co-authored the book; "The Final Pandemic; An Antidote to Medical Tyranny" available on their website, as well as "Virus Mania"  which was written together with a team of medical researchers.


 Wayne Rowland

Wayne Rowland was diagnosed with cancer, and offered a $10,000 reward to anyone who could cure him. He found such a person, however he also learned that what had been diagnosed as "cancer" was actually parasites. And he learned that MDs in the 1800s understood that people had parasites which caused diseases, and provided treatments at that time. However this important truth has been largely removed from most medical practices in the West today.

And so Wayne Roland was cleansed from parasites and was completely healed. Thereafter he wrote two books; one entitled "Silver Water" and the other  "Worms are Killing You."  And he has revealed that these horrible worms are likely to be inside most of us, and that they can be responsible for such things as "cancer" and "diabetes" and many common complaints like gut bloat or skin rashes and food allergies. The website link below includes information on Wayne Rowland's recommendations on parasite cleansing, and includes his videos.


Dr Lee Merritt

Dr Lee Merritt who refers to herself as "The Medical Rebel" is another excellent resource regarding parasite cleansing, and also provides many home truths on health regarding "vaccines" and other issues we now all face regarding the Government push to be "vaccinated". Her video; "Parasites and the Vaccine" is outstanding. And she very kindly supplies detailed information on the protocol she personally uses to cleanse herself from parasites as well. 



History & Others

Wherefore art thou

Nothing here yet, but we are working on it.

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