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Advised: 1100+



Link sharing program (always free)

Join our link share index and add SEO to your website or other Christian-based internet site. You must be King James 1611 Bible rooted as this is what we focus on and wish to maintain the network of contacts and resources as the same. 

 NOTE: before submitting your link, setup a link to us first on your site, as we will ask for it when you submit your site link

 Copy our Link: https://www.wibc.academy


How does this benefit you?

 Search engines love sites with outward links which helps your site's SEO. (Search Engine Optimization)
 You are seen by a collective of like-minded people.

Forever free and no hidden costs.

Because internet censorship is heading into religion, this helps with shadow banning and black listing of URL's.
The bigger this network gets, the more we see each other, adding to social networking value.
When search engines crawl our websites, they go through these links as well.

 You gain extra traffic and viewers when they visit and use this link index which helps your site's SEO.

It's a form of free advertising.

Copy our Link: https://www.wibc.academy

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Session cookies: stores log-in time and session ID
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