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 Rulers Of Evil  By  F. Tupper Suassey 

Saussy has analyzed hundreds of signatory clues left by the true rulers of the world, clues that we have perhaps been trained
to ignore. He’s traced them to their origins, and matched them to facts of history going back six thousand years,  all balanced
against the most reliable human reference work there is, the Bible.

352 Pages



The Great Taking By David Rogers Webb

This book is about the taking of collateral, all of it, the end game of this globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass. Included are all financial assets, all money on deposit at banks, all stocks and bonds, and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment, land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property.

130 Pages


Understanding Sustainable Development – Agenda 21 By Freedom Advocates 

 You may have heard people talking about Sustainable Development – in public meetings, on television and on the radio. Consultants talk about it, university professors lecture on it, and at all levels of government, it is now being mandated. But what is Sustainable Development? It's not what you think.

16 Pages 


Pawns In The Game By William Guy Carr

About the Author At the early age of twelve the author was thoroughly indoctrinated into the Bolshevik ideology by two revolutionary missionaries who traveled on the same ship with him out to the Orient in 1907. Unlike many others he didn’t swallow the bait they offered him ‘Hook, Line, and Sinker’. He decided to keep an open mind, and to investigate matters thoroughly, before reaching any conclusions. His investigations and studies of all angles of the International Conspiracy have taken him to nearly every country in the world. 



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